About Planetary Washes
Astrological Medicine
About Planetary Washes
Our Sun and the planets of our solar system emit subtle cosmic energies that are essential for all aspects of our well-being. Unfortunately, however, in our modern times, much of these energies are unable to get through to us because they are being absorbed, transformed, or blocked by pollution smog, electronic smog, and negative thought-form energies now surrounding our planet. Planetary Washes provide us with additional doses of these essential and beneficial energies.
Planetary Washes are unique to Seraphim Blueprint. They are a supreme gift from the Seraphim Angels to mankind. Ruth Rendely, the Founder of the Seraphim Blueprint, had channeled these amazing planetary energies from one of the original Seraphim Angels who created the Seraphim Blueprint and was taught how to access and use them for the benefit of mankind.
General Uses
Planetary Washes provide beneficial energies to counteract negative aspects of one’s astrological profile. Think of planetary washes as astrological medicine to treat the symptoms of cosmological disharmony in your life. A western astrologer can read your astrological chart but usually can do little at helping with what has been revealed other than warn you. A Joytish astrologer sometimes will recommend wearing specific gemstones or having special Yagyas (rituals) performed to help mitigate the negative aspects of a planet, but these methods are usually costly and not practical for most people. In contrast, key Planetary Washes given at the appropriate times can neutralize all negative aspects of one’s astrological chart. Their beneficial effects are immediate, can be varied in intensity, and usually last for about a month, after which time, they can be repeated if necessary. Planetary Washes are inexpensive, convenient, powerful and can make a huge difference in the lives of many people, especially those who are sensitive to energy and aware of astrological influences.
Planetary Washes have a huge healing potential too. They can temporarily provide certain beneficial energies to your spirit, mind and body that have become deficient or that were never present. Hence, you can also think of planetary washes as astrological vitamins for your total Being. Each kind of Planetary Wash provides healing to specific Chakras and organ systems of the body. They can also bolster certain desirable qualities in you, remove certain mental blocks and restrictions, enabling you to now make the necessary changes in your life to realize your dreams.
Disclaimer: Planetary Washes are never intended to replace the essential services provided by trained Healthcare Professionals.
The price is $15 for a single wash. The washes have no prerequisite and are gentle enough that anyone of any age and at any time can enjoy their benefits. A wash can be given either in person or by phone as a distant healing. It takes about 9 minutes to complete one planetary wash. Multiple washes can be received, but only one at a time. During a wash, only the beneficial energies from a particular planet are conferred upon the recipient. The effect is temporary and will usually linger for about a month or so, depending on the intensity level chosen for the wash. A Planetary Wash is like getting out of a bath, you will remain wet with planetary energy for a while until it dries.
Planetary Energies
The Sun and each of the planets of our solar system emit their own unique energies. A description of the energetic qualities of the Sun, the planets and a binary dwarf planet (Pluto) are given below. Based on your goals and/or astrological constraints, choose the washes below that best suit you. You can have just one wash done or all nine (one at a time) in a single session. I can help you decide the best Planetary Washes for you.
Details of the Different Planetary Washes Are Listed in the Sections Below

SUN (Solar Wash)
The Sun is the center of our solar system. All life revolves around it within its sphere of influence. The Sun signifies the Spirit of humanity and our will to be great.
A Solar Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
- Power
- Strength
- Experiencing nuclear explosive energy as incredibly beautiful
- Oneness with God Force
Additional qualities associated with a Solar Wash include:
- Will, Determination, Vitality
- Dignity, Leadership, Courage
- Confidence, Positivity, Poise, Optimism, Fortitude
- Reliance, Individualism, Loyalty, Faith
Chakras: 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)
Physical Organs: Brain (Thalamus, Motor Basal Ganglia, Corpus Striatum), Heart and Circulatory System
Practical Application: A Solar Wash brings power and strength, and in doing so, creates a sense of confidence and optimism in your abilities. It enhances your will power, determination and courage needed in facing new tasks and overcoming challenges in your life.
A Solar Wash may be useful with health issues involving the thalamus and motor basal ganglia of the brain. Also, the heart and circulatory system.

MERCURY (Mercurian Wash)
Mercury is the planet of our mental life, primarily our intellect. It influences how we receive, process and disseminate information. Hence, Mercury governs communication. It gives us the power to manifest through our speech.
A Mercurian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
- Better communication with both physical and non-physical beings.
- Strengthening our clairaudient abilities.
- Giving us the ability to speak more easily before our peers.
Additional qualities associated with a Mercurian Wash include:
- Brilliance. Alertness
- Articulateness, Versatility
- Discrimination, Awareness
- Efficiency, Dexterity
Chakras: 5th Chakra (Throat), 7th Chakra (Crown)
Physical Organs: Brain (Reticular Activating System – RAS, Subthalamus, Speech Center, Language Comprehension), Nervous System (synapses), Hands, Tongue, Vocal Cords and Sense of Hearing
Practical Application: A Mercurian Wash enhances your communication skills. It will help you with speaking in front of an audience and easing stage fright. It is especially useful during the astrological phenomenon of a “Mercury Retrograde.” See upcoming periods at left.
A Mercurian Wash may be useful with health issues of the brain involving the Reticular Activating System (RAS), such as in ADHD and narcolepsy. And, Speech and Language Comprehension areas of the brain, such as in childhood speech developmental issues and aphasia in stroke victims. Also, it may be beneficial for auditory, vocal cord, tongue, and hand health issues.

VENUS (Venusian Wash)
Venus, the Morning Star, changes existence into ‘living’ through the addition of love, art, and beauty in all aspects of our life. Venus shows us all forms of love except romantic love, that’s Neptune’s role. It rules our sentiments, values, and pleasures we enjoy in life. Venus shows us what makes us happy.
A Venusian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
- Purity that results from the burning away of impurity
- Innocence
- Compassion
- A love of luxury and fine things
- A sweetness in life, and the enjoyment of sweet foods
Additional qualities associated with a Venusian Wash include:
- Beauty, Art, Attractiveness
- Love, Gentleness
- Affection, Femininity
- Responsiveness, Cooperativeness
- Harmonious, Constructiveness
- Refinement
Chakras: 2nd Chakra (Sacral), 5th Chakra (Throat)
Physical Organs: Brain (Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Substantia Nigra), Lymphatic and Immune Systems, Senses of Touch, Taste and Smell
Practical Application: If you are depressed and bored, a Venusian Wash will enable you to embrace life and enjoy it. It enhances your sense of touch. Also, it enhances the senses of taste and smell, making food & drinks taste a whole lot better.
A Venusian Wash may be useful with health issues of the brain that involve the hypothalamus and pituitary, such as in hormonal imbalances, and the Substantia Nigra, such as in Parkinson’s Disease. Also, the lymphatic and immune system disorders and will stimulate these systems to purify the blood by removing foreign and unwanted impurities.

MARS (Martian Wash)
Mars represents fire energy. Without the fire of life, there is no action. Mars is responsible for getting all aspects of our Being (spirit, mind, emotions and body) moving.
A Martian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
- Initiative
- ‘Can Do’ attitude
- Assertiveness
- Decisiveness
- Focus
- Dynamic energy
- Passion
- Courage
Additional qualities associated with a Martian Wash include:
- Primeval drives
- Adventurous
- Indomitable will to succeed
- Invigorates life-force energy
- Masculinity
- Independence
Chakras: 1st Chakra (Root), 2nd Chakra (Sacral), 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)
Physical Organs: Brain (Hypothalamus, Motor Pathways, Red Nucleus, Amygdala), Adrenal Glands, Kidneys, Skeletal Muscles and Feet
Practical Application: If you are procrastinating or afraid of doing something, a Martian Wash can push you to take action. It gives you the courage, passion and focus to follow through with your ambitions.
A Martian Wash may be useful with health issues of the brain involving motor pathways, the hypothalamus & amygdala. It can help you with anxiety and stress conditions related to adrenal gland issues. Also, health issues with your kidneys, skeletal muscles and feet.

JUPITER (Jovian Wash)
Jupiter governs our potential for growth and expansion in all areas of our Being (spirit, mind and body). Through our experience of growth and expansion, Jupiter teaches us about our unbounded potential.
A Jovian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
- Financial abundance
- Generosity
- Feeling of one’s cup flowing over
- Good luck
Additional qualities associated with a Jovian Wash include:
- Aspiration, Inspiration,
- Understanding, Judgement,
- Expansiveness, Growth, Prosperity,
- Faith, Optimism,
- Friendliness, Joy,
- Well-being, Good health
Chakras: 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus), 6th Chakra (Third Eye)
Physical Organs: Brain (Globus Pallidus), Digestive System (Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Liver) and Urinary Bladder
Practical Application: Jovian energy, working from behind the scenes, helps provide you with superb opportunities for career success. When a Jovian Wash is invoked, it brings financial abundance, joy, good health and good luck into your life.
A Jovian Wash may be useful for health issues of the digestive system involving the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and liver. Also, issues with the urinary bladder.

SATURN (Saturnian Wash)
Although Saturn is well known and feared astrologically as a maleficent planet, let me remind you that only the beneficial qualities of Saturn are ever used in a wash. Through Saturn’s beneficial energy, we gain ancient wisdom and a deep understanding of Dharma and how our lives fit into the Master Plan for humanity. Saturn, from behind the scenes, will help get your life in alignment with your dreams and aspirations like no other planet can.
A Saturnian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
- Ancient wisdom
- Telepathy
- Unicameral mind
- Individuation
- Better communication with Gaia
- Knowledge of Dharma/assigned roles
Additional qualities associated with a Saturnian Wash include:
- Focus, Attention
- Order, Structure, Stability
- Integrity, Sense of responsibility, Work ethics
- Determination, Judgement, Synchronicity
Chakras: 6th Chakra (Third Eye), 7th Chakra (Crown), 8th Chakra (Soul Star)
Physical Organs: Brain (Putamen), Central Nervous System and Pituitary (master gland)
Practical Application: One of the most common uses for a Saturnian Wash is to help mitigate negative astrological aspects of Saturn on your life. Saturnian energy can help bring stability and order to your life in chaotic and turbulent times. It will also help you find your path in life, if you do not know. Saturnian energy removes mental blocks and restrictions in your life, enabling you to make the necessary changes to realize your dreams.
A Saturnian Wash may be useful for health issues of the central nervous system and pituitary gland.

URANUS (Uranian Wash)
Uranus is the planet of destiny. It governs genius and represents intuition that comes like lightening in a flash of knowingness. It is the planet of sudden and unexpected changes and it rules freedom and originality.
An Uranian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
- Genius
- Originality
- Inventiveness
- Playfulness
- Sense of humor
Additional qualities associated with a Uranian Wash include:
- Progressiveness
- Intuition
- Knowingness
- Insight
- Destiny
- Unpredictability
- Freedom
- Revolutionary
Chakras: 6th Chakra (Third Eye), 8th Chakra (Soul Star)
Physical Organs: Brain (Nucleus Caudatus -head), Central Nervous System and Pituitary
Practical Application: A Uranian Wash will give you a spark of genius and originality in your life. Hence, it is good before a job interview, or for impossible situations that you seemingly have no way out. With the power of this energy, you may be surprised at the creative solutions to your problems that suddenly appear when needed.
A Uranian Wash may be useful for health issues of the central nervous system and pituitary gland.

NEPTUNE (Neptunian Wash)
Neptune is a planet of spirituality and all things subtle. It gives us spiritual, psychic, channeling and musical abilities. Neptune is a planet of inspiration, dreams and romance.
A Neptunian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
- Musical ability
- Spiritual ability
- Understanding subtlety and nuances in everything
- Romance
- Seeing God in others
Additional qualities associated with a Neptunian Wash include:
- Sensitivity
- Psychic and mystical power
- Channeling ability
- Dreams, night or day
Chakras: 6th Chakra (Third Eye)
Physical Organs: Brain (Nucleus Caudatus – tail), Pineal, Skin and Sense of Touch
Practical Application: A Neptunian Wash, if it’s your intention, will enhance your personal magnetism and help attract romantic love into your life. Use Neptunian energy for the enhancement and refinement of your spiritual, psychic, and channeling abilities. If you are a musician, this energy will greatly augment your abilities and inspire you to create extraordinary works of music.
A Neptunian Wash may be useful for health issues of the brain, pineal and skin.

PLUTO (Plutonian Wash)
Pluto rules our subconscious mind. It helps us recognize those aspects of ourselves that we keep hidden from our ego and the rest of the world. Pluto enables us to confront our inner demons and release our untapped spiritual potentials. It gives us the ability to integrate all parts of ourselves, whether conscious or subconscious, into one wholeness of Being. Pluto gives us the ability of seeing the subtle aspects of life and all things hidden from view in us and others.
A Plutonian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
- Better judgement
- Cuts through beliefs to see the real value of things
- Realization of evanescence of life
- Deeper appreciation
- Action based on life’s evanescence
- More direct, more to the point
Additional qualities associated with a Plutonian Wash include:
- Revealing
- Subtlety
- Integrative
- Unboundedness
- Discerning
- Common sense
Chakras: 8th Chakra (Soul Star)
Physical Organs: Brain and Sense of Hearing
Practical Application: A Plutonian Wash will give you “uncommon” common sense, and in doing so, enable you to make better choices. In your personal relationships and life situations that you find frustrating and confusing, Plutonian energy can help bring clarification by revealing the real reason behind your unpleasant situation. This wash will enhance your ability to uncover subtle or hidden secrets about Nature or your neighbors.
A Plutonian Wash may be useful for health issues of the brain and hearing. If you are ever afflicted with a mysterious illness, this wash may reveal its hidden root cause. For this reason, Plutonian energy works amazingly well for all kinds of healing, whether spiritual, mental or physical.